Monday, December 22, 2008

In the beginning...

OK, so there has to be a beginning, right? Well, this is it. My purpose of creating this blog is to be able to track my progress. Being that my home is for sale, I can't really put a chart up on the fridge, and I would lose or misplace a paper or a "real" journal. I don't know if anyone will read this (maybe Missi), but I'm still going to attempt to keep it updated.
I'm planning on starting the South Beach Diet again soon. It really worked well for me last year when I started it. Keith also said that he would do it with me to make it easier for me. I love that one because you don't have to measure anything or count calories. You just avoid what they say to avoid and eat as much as you want of what they allow you to eat. There are also some pretty good recipes in there (even cauliflower mashed potatoes).
I'm also going to use my elliptical at least 3 times a week.
I will try to keep it updated maybe even daily. I will also post my weight and measurements often. I will have Keith measure me later today and start tomorrow morning with my weight (so I will weight less =)).
Wish me luck!!!


Missi said...

oh fun! Another blog kind of like mine! I'm glad, I'll read it;)

Cristy said...

Thanks Missi! I could use the encouragement.