Monday, January 12, 2009

I cheated-a little...

So, I'm on day 12 today. On day 11 (obviously yesterday), a friend from AL who just moved here came by to visit. He went to church with us, and then we all went out to lunch at Applebees. I made great choices at lunch (grilled ck breast, onion soup, and a side salad with balsamic dressing and drank water. BUT... after lunch, I just had to have a shooter. For those how don't know what those are, they're desserts in small glasses (like a larger shot glass). I opted for the chocolate one, of course. I wasn't craving it at all, I just wanted to celebrate the arrival of my friend. I don't feel at all guilty and I'm not going to start my two weeks over. So there!
I'm still going to continue to stay on the strict phase of SBD until Thur., and then start the 2nd phase. I've lost 6 lbs already. I've lost it mainly in my mid-section which is awesome! I'm still doing my 30mins of Wii Fit a day. It's so much fun!

Here are some Restaurant Tips:
South Beach diet restaurant tips
Eat a protein snack about 15 minutes before you're due to arrive at the restaurant in order to lower your feeling of hunger.
Drink some soup for a starter (a bean soup would be a good choice); this will give the brain the time to process the information of fullness.
Ask the restaurant staff for simple adjustments such as leaving aside sauces and dressings (the amount of salad dressing can be better controlled if brought separately).
Choose the restaurant that is more likely to have in the menu meals that best fit your diet.
Order right away so you have less time to be tempted by rich appetizers; ask the waiter not to bring you any.
A good idea would be to call ahead and ask if there are menus suitable for your requests.
Ask what a menu contains if you don't know exactly and feel free to send it back if it's not just right.
If you order a sandwich, remove the bread (or ask to be removed), or choose sandwiches with whole grain bread and eat only one slice and double up on the filling.
Choose grilled, steamed, broiled, stir-fried, poached meats rather than fried. Sometimes meats baked in sauce, or sauted (if sauted ask to be in olive oil) might be a good choice but they can be also high in fat or carbs.
Always order water with your meal- even if you have something else to drink.
If the portions are large, share with a friend or ask for a “doggie bag”.
Often, there are some foods like low fat milk, fresh fruit, low fat salad dressing that do not appear on the menu but can be ordered.
If you just cannot skip dessert try to select one that is as close to acceptable as possible (e.g. poached pears, plain ice-cream, fruit tarts etc).
Drink alcohol in moderation: it has quite a high calorie-content plus too much of it tends to make us less cautious.

Friday, January 9, 2009

'bout time...

So, I haven't posted in a while. I don't really have a good excuse, I've just been busy. I've officially made it a week on the 2 weeks of the strict phase of South Beach. My cravings have completely gone away. Sure, I want to grap a piece of chocolate, or eat a piece of bread when I'm making the kids a sandwich. However, it's just because I can't that I want to, not because I feel like I must have it. That's how I felt before; I'd suffer if I didn't have that piece.
Keith is also doing well. Neither of us has cheated at all. Poor thing doesn't put anything in his mouth unless he asks me first. He said it's just easier that way for him. He doesn't want to mess up. He's so sweet.
He leaves on Tues for over a week for work. I have to do it without him, and him without me. I know we can do it, though!
I've been a little disappointed that I haven't lost more weight (only .5 lbs since I last blogged). I knew that when I started that it was going to be more the 1st couple of days, and then again at the end of the 2 weeks, but I'm working my butt off trying to lose this before we move. That's my goal, btw. But, I haven't gained and I know I'm losing. I can feel it and I feel so much better.
I've been doing at least 30min a day on my Wii Fit. I LOVE it. I hate the gym, and this is so much fun!
Well, more later:

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3 Recipes!

This is where I got the breakfast casserole recipe from:
I omitted the mushrooms. We had to put some low-sugar salsa over it for a little more flavor, but it was pretty good.

Here is the chicken recipe:

Crock pot Sour cream Salsa Chicken

4 ck breasts
1 pkg reduced sodium taco seasoning
1 c salsa
2 tb cornstarch
1/4 c light sour cream

Spray CP with olive oil cooking spray. Add chicken, sprinkle on seasoning, and top with salsa. Cook on low about 6 hours. When done, stir the cornstarch with a little bit of water. Add that in with the chicken and stir in the sour cream. This was so yummy!!! I can't wait until we're off phase 1 and can put this inside a wheat tortilla or over brown rice! Yummy!!!

Day 3...

So, I had lost another 1.5 lbs this morning! I was so excited!!!
Today was a little different. I slept in, so breakfast was at brunch-time and I didn't have a morning snack. I went shopping during lunch-time so I had to eat out (I did good).
What I ate today:
Brunch: breakfast casserole with ground turkey, spinach, tomatoes, eggs, green onions. coffee and a v-8, and water later
Lunch: ate at Red Robin (had a lettuce-wrapped burger with just the burger and tomato, and a side salad with lettuce, tomatoes and balsamic vinegar dressing and water to drink
Dinner: chicken crock pot dish, peas, sf jello and water
Snack (dessert): sf fudge pop

(I'm posting recipes in the next posting)

I went on a short run today and walked a lot while shopping, I'm counting that as exercise for today!
Day 3- DONE!

Friday, January 2, 2009

I lost 1 pound in 1 day!!!!!!!!

Yea!!! The average loss for this diet in the fist two weeks (phase 1) is 8-12 lbs.
I was so motivated when I jumped on the scale this morning and saw that after the
1st day, I already lost 1 lb!!!!!
Today I have eaten very similar to yesterday.
Breakfast: omelet with Canadian Bacon, fat-free cheddar, and 2 eggs. v-8 and coffee
Snack: fat-free cheese stick
Lunch: Salad with baby spinach, cherry tomatoes, ff cheddar, cucumbers, and fat-free balsamic dressing. sf jello and water
Snack: sf fudge pop and laughing low cheese wedge (yum!)
Dinner: ground sirloin burger patties (put Worcestershire sauce, onions, garlic, and A1), a pickle, seasoned cherry tomatoes (with olive oil, oregano, and balsamic vinegar), and water
Snack: probably a fudge bar =). I like those!
I already exercised (before dinner). I did 20 mins on my elliptical, which is 4 miles!!! I feel GREAT!
Day 2-DONE!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

I can't believe it's 2009!!! Wow! Well, yesterday was the day we were going to start our new diet. Keith let me sleep in and when I got up he'd already eaten a bowl of cereal!!!! He forgot, poor thing.
So, we started today! Here's what I had:

Breakfast: omelet with 2 eggs, canadian bacon, and fat-free cheese, coffee, and a small v-8.
Snack: Laughing Cow wedge with a handfull of grape tomatoes and water
Lunch: Salad with lettuce, fat-free ham, feta cheese, homemade dressing. Also sugar-free jello and water.
Snack: a handfull of roasted peanuts, and a sugar-free fudge pop =)
Dinner: Rosemary baked pork chops, fresh green beans and water.
Snack: sugar-free jell and another sugar-free fudge pop
I'm sure I didn't need the extra pop, but I was really craving all the things i can't have, so oh well.
I didn't get a work-out in today as I have a really bas sinus headache. Maybe tomorrow!

Day 1-DONE!!!