Friday, January 9, 2009

'bout time...

So, I haven't posted in a while. I don't really have a good excuse, I've just been busy. I've officially made it a week on the 2 weeks of the strict phase of South Beach. My cravings have completely gone away. Sure, I want to grap a piece of chocolate, or eat a piece of bread when I'm making the kids a sandwich. However, it's just because I can't that I want to, not because I feel like I must have it. That's how I felt before; I'd suffer if I didn't have that piece.
Keith is also doing well. Neither of us has cheated at all. Poor thing doesn't put anything in his mouth unless he asks me first. He said it's just easier that way for him. He doesn't want to mess up. He's so sweet.
He leaves on Tues for over a week for work. I have to do it without him, and him without me. I know we can do it, though!
I've been a little disappointed that I haven't lost more weight (only .5 lbs since I last blogged). I knew that when I started that it was going to be more the 1st couple of days, and then again at the end of the 2 weeks, but I'm working my butt off trying to lose this before we move. That's my goal, btw. But, I haven't gained and I know I'm losing. I can feel it and I feel so much better.
I've been doing at least 30min a day on my Wii Fit. I LOVE it. I hate the gym, and this is so much fun!
Well, more later:

1 comment:

Sarah: said...

Way to go Cristy!

That is so cute that Keith has to ask what he can eat, and that he listens to you!
